The Christian life is depicted as a race by the essayist of Jews. Subsequently we likewise since we are encircled by so extraordinary a haze of witnesses, let us dismiss each weight and the transgression which with such ease catches us and let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the creator and finisher of our confidence, who for the delight that was set before Him got through the cross scorning the disgrace and has taken a seat at the right hand of the privileged position of God. Numerous Books of scriptures Researchers feel that the Messenger Paul was presumably the author of Jews since sections like these are firmly connected with a significant number of his different works. In different cases, Paul contrasts himself and the racers and rivals in the isthmian games which were commended in the city of Corinth. This correlation spread the word about an inference which was well for individuals of Paul’s day and subsequently was an incredible educating illustration.

The contenders who ran in these games were appropriately qualified both by character and capacity. The distance and width of the course were obviously set apart out. The award that should have been won was presented. Judges were picked and committed to fairly pass judgment. The beginning sign was given and the race was run. The champ was conveyed to the appointed authority, the award was given and a crown put on the victor’s head. The name of the victor was declared to the incredible gathering of individuals. The Christian race is so analyzed. The Christian should be qualified both by character and capacity. The Christian should seek after the course with persistence and tirelessness. In the wake of finishing the race the effective christianity is brought under the steady gaze of the Adjudicator where he/she is compensated and delegated with greatness.

The Christian race is not any race, however a specific race. It is, the race set before us. The course of the race is the street of life. Its length is a lifetime. Its width is the size of the world. This course has many moves and numerous compulsions to turn the sprinter to the side. The wealth and cares, the organization and entertainments, the delights and impact of the world are extra weights which should be dropped so they do not impede the Christian sprinter. The advancement of the Christian in this race relies upon a few things. The Christian should keep to the course and not turn far removed. Some run the race well for some time and afterward turn to the side. The Christian should remain on track. The center of the course is the most secure spot to run. Steady headway should be made and the sprinter should proceed with calmly under all challenges. The award should be kept in view.